Discover beyond medicine
Mind Can Heal your Body..
Just Wake-up.
Align Your Chakras
Key of Your Happiness..
Get Rid Of your Problem..
Physical, Mental, Emotional
Be Healthy.. Be Happy..
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Revolutionary Thought Therapy

Dis-ease creating thoughts, first disturbs your mind, then your emotions and then settles in cells of your physical body creating disease there.

Get resolved these thoughts and recover from sickness, stress.

Resolve your sufferings

We value your wellness. Connect for a free 10 minutes consultation.
Healing sessions are given In-person as well as ONLINE

“No Touch -No Medicine” Therapies Relief from root cause.

“I have undergone Past life Regression and my chest pain got healed post the session. Awesome experience”
Ankit sharma

Diseases which have not been diagnosed even after tests Diseases diagnosed but has no Cure! Unexplained pain in any part of the body

Asthma, migraine, kidney or heart problems, back pain, neurological disorder, eye problems, partial paralysis, skin problem and any other issues…

“It was a lifetime experience which healed me within.”

Deepika sharma

Suicidal tendencies, Sadness, Anger, Irritation, Guilt, fear of survival-heavy losses, losing loved ones

Emotional issue with anyone, Rejection in love, Divorce hurts, Betrayal , Conflicts, any issue

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Mental issues

Work load stress, Tensions on family front ,Personal issues

Every time working hard and but similar kind of failures, Job instability, repeated failures in business, financial losses, future worries

Student Corner

Work load stress, Tensions on family front ,Personal issues

Selection of right career; Enhance concentration, Build up confidence, Exam fear, win over weaknesses, other teenager issues


Amazing Tharapies

One or more therapies are often inappropriately integrated to heal an issue for optimum relief addressing root cause in a short time without any side effect. These therapies are based on “ No Touch-No Medicine “ basis.

Individual session

10 min free consultation either on phone or in person keeping your privacy before booking sessions.
Preliminary session
It is approx. 60 minutes session .In this session, we understand your sickness/concern as per your perceptive, note case history. Answer your queries and clarify any apprehensions, if any, so you become at ease. Perform few visualization, concentration ability, energy status checks from distance which are totally comfortable to you. Identify root causes behind your issue, and an appropriate treatment schedule is designed specific to your need.
Mental wellness
Therapy session
Therapy sessions are personal pleasing experiences. During hypnotherapy sessions, more similar to guided deep meditation, your issue is resolved and inner power is enhanced at subconscious level. Overall holistic health is further improved through chakra balancing and with vital universal prana energy. Therapy provide relief and heals your issues very fast & very effectively whether physical, mental or emotional issues. Since it works right at very root cause level, it clears the problem for ever or provides relief long lasting.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Access your past Life Karma & resolve current life issues.
As told in Bhagwat Geeta, Soul is immortal. We incarnate numerous times i.e take birth again and again.
Memories from our all life times are stored in subconscious mind and influence our current life. PLR is a process of taking you in a guided deep relaxation to access such past life memories. Recalling past life old memories are As Safe As, recalling past memories of this life. People find session very interesting as they re-experience surfing past life , generally from childhood to end of life and impression they carry thereafter. PLR therapy releases past suppressed painful memories, to enable you to resolve current life issue. (Session approx. 2.5-3 hrs)
As per our experience, 3-8 sessions are normally sufficient to give desired relief in majority case.
Past life regression therapy