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Revolutionary Thought Therapy

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What is thought therapy?

It encompasses :
Step First :: Diagnosis is first step in cure
Negative Thought is a root cause of sickness Almost everyone is facing many times so called adverse situations /outer world’s responses contrary to their expectations/desires which lead to generation of negative thoughts and mind struggles with negative thoughts to be at rest or at ease. Basic concept on root cause of disease Dis-ease creating thoughts, first disturbs your mind, then your emotions and then settles in cells of your physical body creating disease there. Mental sickness Deeper the thought is connected to your core values; more is its intensity to penetrate you deeper and deeper. Initially when adverse situations/strong negative responses /traumas are faced, negative thoughts in mind hinders normal functioning and person gets worried / frustrated/ mentally unbalalaced /lose confidence etc.etc. Holding on these if persists for longer time, it slips into subconscious mind and person experiences mental sickness. Emotional sickness However if negative thoughts are more intense and could not be resolved/released, it further penetrates emotional field and negative emotions generates viz. fear, anger, hate etc .Holding these negative emotions persists for longer time thus slipping in subconscious mind, and persons experiences emotional sickness sooner or later depending on its intensity. Physical sickness Further if it is not resolved /released in emotional field and emotional sickness continues, it penetrates physical body and creates blockages in flow of prana life energy flow in body developing physical disease in area of blockages. Since these ways negative thoughts/emotions persist for longer times, they keep on continuously damaging respectively physical part. Relationship of negative thought/emotions as a root cause to various diseases Our body organs, cells are vibrating all the times at various frequencies depending it location in body. Similarly, thoughts also possess energy having its on frequency. Frequency of thought varies as per mental issue with respective emotions attached to it. These thoughts settle with body cells having similar frequency and creates blockages there creating disease in that organ/body functioning. Diagnosis of root cause-a first step in cure Affected area/location can be identified as per science of mind-body relationship and can be cross checked as well from other relevant energy sciences as science of aura & chakra and many other. Thus Thought Therapy makes it possible to zero down the very root causes of particular disease.
Step Second:: Health recovery
Removing Root Cause & Healing to Rejuvenation Removing root cause i.e resolving dis-ease creating thoughts can be effectively done through medical hypnotherapy which is more similar to a comfortable process of guided deep meditation wherein process of negative thoughts resolved into positive thoughts .Further during this process more powerful motivating affirmations instituted in subconscious mind . As a result natural healing power is enhanced extra ordinarily. Health is further rejuvenated with chakra alignment and boosting with extra prana universal life energy. Person not only recovers from disease but also gets rejuvenated holistically.